Wesley Campus 

The Wesley Campus of National United Methodist Church is a joyful and inclusive community of faith, deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus and ecumenical in spirit.

The Wesley Campus and the Metropolitan Memorial Campus are a merged congregation and are proud to be known by one name: National United Methodist Church. 

Wesley has a long history in Washington, DC. It was organized under the auspices of Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church on December 24,1828 and moved to its current location in May 1922.

Today, Wesley values worship, music, and fellowship and welcomes all into its building.

5312 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20015

Map and Directions

Sunday Mornings

11 am: Worship Service
12:30 pm: Lunch (Free sit down meal after service. All welcome.)
Livestream: www.nationalchurch.org/live

Jazz at Wesley

Fourth Saturday of each month
6:30 - 8:30 pm

Our Values

As a congregation, we seek to embody what we long for the world to become:

  • welcoming of all persons

  • respectful of the earth and its creatures

  • concerned for justice and human well-being

  • alive with the arts

  • supporting of children

  • eager to defend the under-privileged and the vulnerable

  • open to growth and learning.

We believe our faith calls us individually and corporately to practice love and reconciliation and thus join Christ’s Spirit in building a better world.

Jazz at Wesley

The fourth Saturday of each month, the Wesley Campus of NUMC hosts an entertaining evening of jazz, bringing some of DC’s most notable jazz musicians into our fellowship hall.

More information on Jazz at Wesley