Adult Classes and Small Groups

For more information about any adult class or to contact any of the class organizers, please email

Sunday Mornings, Metropolitan Memorial campus

  • In the Biblical Sense at 10 AM-10:55 AM. Meets in The Fireplace Room and Zoom | Meeting ID: 957 6923 5121 Passcode: bible

    This study group gathers to draw spiritual lessons for daily life. In the Biblical Sense is a one-hour discussion led by Bob Olson that applies insights from the scriptures to issues we all face today. The hybrid class takes place both in-person and via Zoom teleconference and requires no advance study. You are welcome to join us!

  • Questions of Faith, 10 AM, Meets in-person in the Conference Room.

    No homework, no tests, no pressure, yet you can learn from some of the best college professors in the United States about important religious topics. The current lecture series in the Questions of Faith Sunday School class is “The Old Testament” by Professor Amy-Jill Levine. Class discussion follows the recorded lecture.

  • Community and Connections, 10 AM-10:55 AM. Meets in-person in the Library

    Looking for a place to connect? Join us in the library for this informal, guided discussion group. Open to all adults, the Community and Connections class tackles a range of challenging Biblical topics but does not require any reading or "homework" between Sundays. Simply drop in and chat! We'd love to have you join us following 9 AM worship.

  • AfterWord. 10 AM, in-person in the Christie Room, and online via via Zoom | Meeting ID: 834 8394 7618

    This hybrid group is a place of welcome for both online and in-person worshippers. In AfterWord, we have an opportunity to reflect on the scripture and sermon of the day. Come as you are, wherever you are, with your questions, doubts, thoughts, and discerning spirit.


    Mid-week Classes

  • Science, Religion, and Society at 6 PM Eastern Time Mondays. Join Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 923 0079 1268 Passcode: science

    Exploring the intersections of science and religion, and combining the two to examine the world around us.

  • About Faith:  An Online Beginner’s Bible Study, Tuesdays, 6 – 7 pm via via Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 831 1567 2377 Passcode: 833813

    Each week, this class will consider a core doctrine of the Christian faith by examining key Scripture passages and discussing what faith teaches about how we come to know God, the nature of God, who Jesus Christ is, how God call us to live, and the future that God promises. This is a 101-level experience open to anyone.  No prerequisites. No homework. And no question is too simple or out of bounds. A new subject will be introduced every 3 to 6 weeks and newcomers are welcome to jump in at any time. 

  • Thursday Morning Bible Study, 10:30 AM-12 PM Eastern Time Thursdays. Meets on Zoom and in the Conference Room at the Metropolitan Memorial Campus. Join Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 452 637 297 Passcode: 025452

    An in-depth study of what the Bible says, what it meant to its original audience, and what it means to us today. We are currently in a study of 1st and 2nd Kings, and you can join at any time. Led by Rev. Janet Craswell.

  • NUMC Young Professionals. Every other Thursday in the Metropolitan Memorial Campus Library at 7:30 pm

    A small group of adults in our 20s and 30s. We share Bible studies and social activities with the goal of following Jesus as we navigate the challenges of adulthood.