American University Campus Ministry

Located directly across the Nebraska Ave from the School of International Service and across New Mexico Ave from East Campus, National UMC has supported United Methodist Campus Ministries at American University since 2008.

AU students, faculty, staff, and alumni have enriched our congregation in countless ways — joining the music ministries, serving as liturgists during worship, and working in the Nursery, just to name a few. We welcome students to participate fully in the life of NUMC, whether they are in town for one semester or eight (or more!).

If you are interested in connecting with NUMC, you can contact Pastor Rachel at or Student Ministries Coordinator Angela (SIS/BA ‘18) at

Pastoral Care for College Students

National UMC is a Community Partner of the Kay Spiritual Life Center at American University.

During the 2024-2025 school year, Rev. Dr. Rachel B. Livingston will be a pastoral resource for AU students. She is a Howard University, Princeton Theological Seminary, and United Theological Seminary graduate who appreciates the pressures of college life and is happy to help. Students might want to talk to a pastor about anything they are struggling with, from faith questions to interpersonal conflicts to more serious concerns.

Pastor Rachel can be reached at

For pastoral care emergencies, contact the Pastor Emergency number at (202) 510-8555



United Methodist Student Association @ American University


AU Students (and tiny Jesus) in the Senior Pastor’s Office

American and Frostburg State University students visited Dexter Ave Baptist Church during the 2024 Civil Rights Pilgrimage in Montgomery, AL


Delaney (SPA/BA ‘25) represented American University at the 2024 Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference

The United Methodist Student Association (UMSA) seeks to provide any student at American University, regardless of their identity or religious background, with a welcoming and supportive community to explore their faith, meet new people, and serve others.

Ways to connect with the United Methodist Student Association:

  • Email -

  • Instagram - @americanmethodists

  • GroupMe - scan the QR Code below


The AU Lounge at National UMC is open 24/7

NUMC has dedicated permanent, secure, 24/7 space for American University students to study, snack, and be in fellowship with one another. Located across Nebraska Ave. on the right side of the church building near steps down into the Welcome Center (Newark Street), students of AU are welcome to relax or study in a comfy, private space used only by AU students. Even when the church building is closed, the entrance to the lounge will be open.

The space offers free wi-fi and snacks and does not require reservations,  The door requires a key card which is issued by the church’s college chaplain, Rev. Dr. Rachel Livingston. Lounge users need not be church members nor religious, however, a student ID will be needed to confirm academic status

Contact to receive access to the lounge.

The AU Lounge


  • American University students, undergraduate or graduate, religious or non-religious, who have a valid student ID and request access.

  • Code of Conduct for use of the AU Lounge :

    We presume participants will do no harm to themselves or others and seek to live in peace with one another.  We further expect guests of the AU Lounge will thoroughly clean any surfaces used and remove any perishables and trash so others will not have to do so.


    Our Code specifically prohibits:

    Physical assault;

    Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person;

    Using, possessing, distributing, or manufacturing a weapon, or possessing any object produced as a weapon;

    lighting candles;


    possession or use of alcohol;

    possessing and/or using any controlled substance, illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia, including marijuana and medical marijuana;

    Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergencies;

    Harassment, including sexual harassment;

    Theft of property or services or knowingly possessing stolen property;

    Intentionally destroying or damaging church property or the property of others;
    Illegal gambling or gaming, as defined by local, state, or federal law;