Annual Church Conference Tonight
Tuesday, October 15th, at 7 pm via Zoom

We will be voting on only 3 things:

-Clergy Compensation

SPRC will present the recommendations for clergy compensation. There are recommendations for cost of living increases for Rev. Craswell and Rev. Dr. Livingston. Rev. Oskvig’s compensation remains the same as established at the August 25th Church Conference


Nominations Committee has begun the thoughtful and prayerful work of recruiting persons to serve on our administrative committees, and they continue to fill openings for the new year. The new committee members begin their responsibilities on January 1st. Church Council is empowered to fill the remaining vacancies, and others that may arise throughout the year.

-Candidates for Ministry

We have two candidates for ministry presented to the Charge Conference for a vote: Angela Pupino and Kerm Towler.