The Christian faith is one of hope and joy! The joy of being together in community. The joy of experiencing the new life we have together in Christ. The joy of seeing our children and young people grow in faith. The joy of serving together. The hope-filled work of striving together for justice and joy, compassion and peace.
The Joy of Being Together
There is a palpable joy in the sanctuary each Sunday as our community gathers. You can find that sense of celebration in the peals of laughter from the children that fill our buildings; you can experience that wonder of hope in the warm greetings between friends in the pews, and you can encounter the abiding presence of the Spirit divine through the charism of our worship. Whenever we gather as a community, in worship, fellowship, discipleship, or service, we find the Gospel being made more apparent in our lives; we see the love of God being made abundantly manifest in our midst.
Our commitments -- of time, treasure, and talent – speak of our fuller participation in this endeavor to enliven the Gospel hope for our world in our presence as a congregation. Our commitments name a shared life together as a church and witness to a hope in community. That commitment and hope, which can be viscerally experienced whenever and however this community gathers, is the center of the gentle joy of that radiates out from us; you can feel it streaming from the doors each Sunday, a kindly blessing to a wounded world.
Please give some thought to the way that you have been encouragingly impacted by the ministries of this congregation, that you will consider what ripple of grace you have been gladdened in its witness. You are invited through your commitments to our congregation to extend that gift to others, and bring this joy more brightly into our world. - Rev. Bryant M. Oskvig
The joy of giving
We give to our church not just to support the church’s mission. We give in gratefulful response for all that God has given us. We give to experience the joy of generosity!
Why pledge? A pledge helps us to be more consistent and intentional in the spiritual practice of giving.
It is NOT a legally binding contract. If your circumstances change your pledge can be changed at any time by notifying the church office. But a pledge is a promise to yourself and to God to be faithful in your giving so that you can grow in generosity, faith and grace.
Stewardship of our Resources
NUMC’s congregational leaders have been working diligently to support the ministries of our congregation and guide the community to a path of greater financial sustainability. Through the efforts of the Finance Committee, the Board of Trustees, the Sustainability Task Force, and the Church Council, significant strides have been made to increase revenue and adjust our spending to be sustainable for the future. The guiding principles of these efforts are enhancing the vibrance of our ministry as a congregation and aligning the finances with common standards of endowment withdrawal.
Through the generosity of those who made commitments to our Foundation in the past, and through wise investment decisions today, our congregation has been able to address building needs and support our ministries through challenging seasons. We are blessed by this company of saints who ensured the gift of ministry for generations to come. Now, we are stewards of this gift. We pray that future generations may experience the same hope of the Gospel and gentleness of compassion we have come to know in this community.
The Joy of Growing in Faith Together
The Joy of Serving Others