NUMC will be open for small groups to meet under the following conditions:


Requests are sent to a minimum of one week in advance of the meeting including the following:


  • The name and contact information of the person who has responsibility for the meeting;

  • The date and time when the meeting is scheduled;

  • The number of people at the meeting;

  • The name and contact information of the person who has responsibility for contact tracing for this event.


While infection from COVID variants remains high, we will

  • Assign groups of more than 10 people to larger spaces at either the Metropolitan Memorial or Wesley Campus for proper spacing.


  • Require that all participants regardless of vaccination status be masked at all times when they are in indoors.


  • Require contact tracing sheets be completed and sent to Helen Simon. They can be photographed and sent to or the sheets can be put under the church office door.