Musicians performing at Jazz at Wesley.

Support Us

Help keep the music going! Support Jazz at wesely today.

Why Give? Because our ticket sales cover only part of our expenses, a gift from you will help us continue to bring the best of DC jazz to upper NW Washington.

Part of our mission is to support the DC jazz community, so most of the funds raised through ticket sales goes to our artists and sound engineers.

We also believe that the arts should be affordable, so we keep our ticket prices low.

Your gift will help us continue to put on this high-quality and entertaining evening of music. Want to nourish DC jazz? Help build joyful community? Support Jazz at Wesley today.

Thank you!

We also accept cash donations. A donation box is located at the ticket desk during live performances.

For check donations, make checks payable to National United Methodist Church and write “Donation to Jazz at Wesley” in the memo line. Mail checks to: NUMC, 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016.

Wesley Campus, National United Methodist Church
5312 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20015 | Map and Directions